Welcome to Claes Eklundh’s official homepage and online art studio.
The site is an ongoing project that reflects both the latest and the earliest works and many in-between. Some of them are on the market, others belong to someone’s collection.
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the paintings on display or if you are interested to see other.
Claes Eklundh’s studio is based in Malmö, Sweden, and is assisted by Henrik Eklundh Paglert, editor and publisher, and Matilda Eklundh Lundbergh, art and event coordinator.
Our vision is to highlight great art in both traditional and new ways. Therefore we’re more than happy for collaborations, both in the digital and physical room.
Please also see EklundhPaglert förlag for our art and other book projects.
Best regards,
/ Henrik & Matilda